Raghuraji Devi
Foundation Trust
Takshila Academy is a CBSE-certified English-medium school offering quality K-12 education in Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. Takshila was founded in 2011 with the aim of empowering students to be their best selves through academics, arts, sports, and moral values. At present, 1226 students study at Takshila, many of whom are fully sponsored by the school. In the future, the school aims to increase the number of students it can sponsor. Here's how to support our work.

Takshila Academy photographed by Andre Phantome
Awadh Mutineers Sports Club is a philanthropic initiative to scout talented players from marginalised backgrounds and provide them with full support in developing their talents. Each student is enrolled on a 100% scholarship at Takshila Academy, given sports training from the best practitioners in the field, and provided with nutrition training and education. Read an interview with Shubham and Sateyam about their experiences at AMSC. Here's how to support our work.

Subam (L) and Sateyam (R), two students at the AMSC, in the Takshila Roots library
In November 2019, the Trust sponsored the Sansad Clean Air Green Air Marathon, a series of marathon races across Ambedkar Nagar that drew 5000 young men and women, ranging from ages 5 to 21. Our mission was to raise awareness on the environmental and health hazards of crop burning. The awards for the three fastest boys and girls were selected to promote the green mission of the initiative and included an electric bike, a solar inverter, a multi-gear bike, and two bicycles. Support the Marathon in 2020.

The Sansad Clean Air Green Air Marathon in Ambedkar Nagar, 2019
During the Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020, we led nation-wide efforts to feed migrant workers and their families. Through the generosity of donors like you, we were able to provide rations and essentials to over 5000 people. We also provided food to low-income families in Ambedkar Nagar during the fasting period of Ramadan. Additionally, we provided support to migrant workers stuck in the Gulf and Southeast Asia. Continue to support our work to alleviate distress during the Covid-19 pandemic.